Monday, November 23, 2015

On the Rise, Self-Driving Cars

On the Rise, Self-Driving Cars

 Self-driving cars are becoming known all over the world now. Many more car manufactures such as Audi are beginning to test out their own versions of the self-driving car. Although the idea of cars driving themselves seem like the best thing that could happen, it could be downfalls.

 Many car manufactures that produce their own version of the cars have to construct a lot of testing to get out all the kinks. Google is fully explaining how this new trend works inside and out, while giving a visual feel for the type of vehicle that is on the rise.

This video of the Google car shows the view of what someone would see if they were testing out the vehicle. It also shows how the Google car can sense the objects around it and even detects how the street is designed. Many websites have full views of what it's like to ride in the front seat of a self-driving car.

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